My eyes still tear up when I watch that beautiful video of the Orcas in the wild. It was an experience that will last with me forever. I think back to that time in 2021 and the 30 minutes that followed. I remember sitting on the boat processing what I had witnessed, a dream I had longed for that had now become reality. I knew then I needed to share the experience with the world and also share this beautiful story of the killer whale.
As we continue to fundraise, we are currently scheduled to begin production this month in Monterey, California. We will be going out with the fabulous crew from Monterey Bay Whale Watching on an 8-hour Orca cruise, and I can't wait to see what we discover. We will be documenting the entire filmmaking process, so make sure to stay tuned here for the latest updates. If you would like to learn more about becoming a producing partner or major donor, please check out our main page which includes all the information. We'd love to have you join us as we make this film and share it with the world. We'd also appreciate it if you could share our project with your friends and network. Our goal is to show humanity how very much alike we are to the Orca and how we can co-exist and thrive in this world moving forward together as ONE. Thank you, Cali
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Cali GilbertMermaid and Ocean Lover, protector of the seas and my MerFamily. ArchivesCategories |